Nature Walk Wreaths

Nature Walk Wreaths

  •   30 minutes 

  • 2 paper plates

  • 2 adventurous little boys

  • 1 fall morning walk

      =  festive wreaths & fun memories

A nature walk is the perfect way to spend a fall morning especially when adventuring with little ones.  They love exploring and finding nature’s treasures. Gathering some along the way and then creating a wreath to enjoy in your home is a fun way to preserve the memory.  


1. Gather leaves, pinecones, sticks, flowers, etc.

2. Cut the middle out of paper plates.  

3. Glue the nature walk treasures onto the plate wreath with low temp hot glue or tacky glue. 

4. Hang in your home to enjoy.  

 --If you are looking for an activity for the kids for thanksgiving, this one is simple, easy and gets everyone outdoors for a bit.  

Andrea NielsenComment